
> Managing CMDB > CMDB Reports > Scheduling a CMDB Report

Scheduling a CMDB Report

Follow the steps below to schedule a CMDB report:

  1. Go to CMDB and browse to select the report under CMDB Reports on the left tree.
  2. Select the report from the list.
  3. Click Schedule
  4. In the Schedule dialog box, select the required information.


    Organization type.

    Select whether to Run this report for or Schedule this report for the remaining settings.

    • Choose Run this report for if you would like to run the report for only Global administrators. This choice will combine event data from all selected Organizations within one PDF or CSV report and sent to the Global Administrators set in the Notification settings.
    • Choose Schedule this report for if you would like to run this report for each selected Organization seperately same as you login to each of these Organizations and schedule this report there. In this case, each selected organization will receive its own copy of PDF or CSV report containing the event data for its own Organization based on the Notification settings.
    Schedule Time RangeEnter the Time range to run the report.
    Schedule Recurrence PatternRecurrence pattern: once, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly. Enter the start date in the Start From field.
  5. Click OK.

You can also schedule a CMDB report by selecting the report from the list and clicking +under Schedule tab in the lower pane.